Archive for August, 2012

It’s far too hot!

Monday, August 6th, 2012

I’ve not posted in a while. It’s not that I don’t have anything to write about (far from it) – I’m actually busier than the proverbial one-armed-paper-hanger right now. The problem is that we’ve been suffering through a major heat wave recently, and I simply don’t have the energy to mess about on the computer at the end of the day.

We have had week after week of hot, humid weather that’s far above ‘seasonal’ for this area. It’s regularly been 35 C, with a Humidex of 40 or more. The few times I’ve tried firing up the forge, I’ve instantly regretted it.

I have a long list of projects I need to do, so hopefully we get a few days of cooler weather soon. It doesn’t help that my smithing area is outside, in an area with no shade …. I’ve really got to get that new shop built sooner rather than later.