With the first year of school behind me, this weekend was time for Willowbank’s annual Open House.
The open house is an opportunity for students to showcase their work, for friends and family to see what goes on here, and for prospective students to come get a feel for the place.
Early in the planning process for this years open house, I’d offered to bring my forge and do a blacksmithing demonstration. Had I known how cold it was going to be, I’d have volunteered to give tours of the house instead.

The toque – not very fashionable, but necessary. Surprisingly, a forge doesn’t keep you that warm!

This was my first time doing a public demonstration (outside of friends and family coming to my workshop), and I really enjoyed it. I’m amazed by how many people were drawn over to the display, and how long they stayed watching. There must be something about incandescent iron that appeals to people!
I have a feeling that, if one stays active in blacksmithing for long enough, public demonstrations will inevitably become part of what you do. I’d certainly be happy to do another. Preferably in the summer…
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